Saturday, April 20, 2013

Computer Club 2013-April-12

Today we started got introduced to the Linux Operating system and how to log on to the Raspberry Pi's. After a short overview we finished up the frames for the Pi computers.

Album for 2013-April-12

Computer Club 2013- April-05

The groups continued to work on  the frames for the Raspberry Pi computers. Although the legos are simple and fun to play with we had trouble making the strong frames for the Pi computers because we had to be so careful and gentle.

Album for Computer Club 2013 April 05

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

2013 March 22

We started building our racks to hold the Raspberry Pi boards using Legos! After dividing into teams we planned out and built frames for our Raspberries on large lego boards. Click below for the pictures!